Traditional Sales VS Online Sales After Covid-19 Panademic

There is no doubt that the crisis caused by the covid 19 pandemic has created an incredibly difficult business climate. Companies in Saudi Arabia have many new challenges, with the closure of international borders, the closure of physical establishments, and the isolation of people at home so they changed their strategy to a new one based essentially on the digital. Thats why Masader as an industrial company offers to her clients a platform when they can buy all their needs online.
The difference between Traditional sales and online sales
Traditional sales and e-commerce are two sales spaces with different issues and objectives, however physical market offers the opportunity to taste, touch and see the product, and this is something that is beyond the scope of e-commerce.
But It’s simple “e-commerce has grown by 41 percent in just three months, against a growth of 22 percent in 2019,” explained the market research specialist Kantar.
Covid 19 Has Changing The Customer Behavior:
Online, the world is changing as fast as offline. In early March 2020, Media marketing, The Drum, reported a study that shows that while annual advertising growth rates are expected to rise from 7% to 3.9% in 2020, advertising spending on e-commerce is expected to increase by 17.7% and social media spending by 22.2%.
This seems to reflect changes in consumer behavior that move from offline sales to online sales. They also show that as people spend more time at home, brands reacted by switching from traditional stores to online sales, with 14% of them reporting this course of action.
In the same study, they go on to say that e-commerce as a platform has already seen exponential growth which has seen spending through e-commerce channels increase almost seven times faster than the entire sector in 2019; a trend that the corona virus epidemic is expected to accelerate.
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