will Coronavirus (COVID-19) accelerates automation in manufacturing companies ?

After the spread of the epidemic coronavirus in the world, all regions were affected by quarantine, social distancing guidelines and the reduction of individuals in closed areas. The industrial sector is moving towards automation technology to navigate the crisis and ensures that the production process is in line with the needs of the customers and coronavirus challenges.


Robot arm in a factory working for the humans while epidemic coronavirus COVID-19

After the spread of the epidemic coronavirus in the world, all regions were affected by quarantine, social distancing guidelines and the reduction of individuals in closed areas. The industrial sector is moving towards automation technology to navigate the crisis and ensures that the production process is in line with the needs of the customers and coronavirus challenges.

what is automation technology?

Automation technology is a crossover discipline that uses knowledge and scientific methods from numerous other technical sciences with minimal human intervention. The implementation of automation technology improves the efficiency, reliability, and speed of many tasks that were previously performed by humans.

One of the most important application areas for automation technology is manufacturing. Automation technology and industry can all be used to meet the challenges of coronavirus . we will talk about it

how automation help manufacturing companies cope with the effects of the Coronavirus ( COVID-19) ?

Yes, artificial intelligence, remote work, and advanced analysis can all be used to tackle the challenges of coronavirus, and this has happened with global companies. But this requires a connected institution that allows data to flow between devices, supply chains and working classes.

For example,the industrial machinery manufacturers has been severely impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak and Manufactured products are no exception.It is expected it will lead to long-term changes in the manufacturing industry. It is likely that manufacturers increase spending on IT infrastructure and automation technologies to maintain their production levels while minimizing risk to their employees. This could provide a boost to manufacturers of such equipment.

Will the current situation have long-term effects on how the industry uses related technologies?

The implications of COVID-19 will now focus on the need for automation faster over the medium term, not least to help bridge the productivity gap. Projects like Industrie 4.0, which include the cyber and physical worlds, will try to address the world’s lack of continuity productivity. It is an urgent task, which has become even more urgent with Coronavirus . If companies had acted with more determination when given the opportunity, they would have been in a different place. Those who missed the boat will have the drive to better prepare for future crises.

Can the epidemic accelerate the digitization and automation of the industry?

Within the blocked supply chain corona virus COVID-19 in China and beyond, it is clear that preventing future plant closures means increased investment in robotics and automation. In recent years, China has bought more robots than any other country, especially cooperative robots. Now she will have to start running them

By the time it expires, corona virus COVID-19 may have finally accelerated investment in factory automation when the global economy finally recovered. But that will take some time.

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